Friday, January 25, 2013

Orogeny : The art of Mountain Building.

                Orogeny : The art of Mountain Building.

'Who build the Mountains', asked the small  kid to his father while building the one himself on the beach.
'Mother Earth' replied the father after some thought.
Everything that we see on the earth, mountains, plateaus, valleys etc are built by the forces that come from within the earth.
'let's go home and i will show you how mother earth built its mountains' said the father.
'Get me a thick table cloth' he said and put it on the table.
After placing the cloth nicely on the table, he placed his both the hands on the table at a little distance from each other.
Slowly he started to move his hands closer to each other, 'Dad, the cloth is getting folded between your two hands, exclaimed the kid.
That's how the earth has built the mountains, explained the father, the folds and the crumples that happened to the table cloth as both my hands came closer are the same forces responsible for building some of the highest and longest mountain chain's in the world.

Interior of Earth is very hot and no one really knows what is there inside, the expansion and contraction due to heat leads to some sudden movements, which we call as earthquakes and some slow movements, which takes million of years to show results.
Orogeny or orogenetic forces ( Oros in greek means the Mountain & genesis is the origin) are those slow moments which are horizontal  & convergent in nature and responsible for the great mountain ranges like the Mighty Himalayas, Rockies of North America, Andes of S. America.

The Interior of the earth is broadly into 3 parts, viz: the Crust, Mantle and the Core.

There exist a partially molten layer called as Asthenosphere in between the Crust and the Mantle. The large pieces of crust ,called as 'Plates' are belived to be floating on this partially molten asthenosphere.
In some places these Plates are moving away from each other and in some places they are converging & colliding against each other. The areas of collision are the areas of Mountain Building.

Great things are done when Men & Mountain Meet,




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